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Goofy Golf

Below are some common objects you are sure to bump into when playing Goofy Golf.

Boxing Gloves
Boxing gloves spring out and back. As a ball rolls by it will try to knock it off its course.
Bridges are arched over water and other objects. A swift stroke will carry the ball to the other side.
Balls may be hit into the back side of cannons. They are then fired to an adjacent location landing in an invisible 50x60 pixel area on the course. The exact landing spot within the box is random. A ball hit into a cannon will sore over every obstruction on the course.
Conveyor Belts
A ball's speed is increased when it is shot over a conveyor belt. If it stops on a belt, it will be carried in the direction of the belt, halting at the green.
The dragon sways its head back and forth. When the ball is in his immediate area it will shoot a flame making the ball toast. It is then returned to the tee.
Frogs are coy little trouble makers that will remain still until a ball crosses their path. At such time they stick out a sticky tongue to grab the ball. You will always know when a frog is on a course by its constant chirping sound.
The ball can pass through the end openings of logs. Pipe holes may be hidden beneath them.
Moving Walls
Moving walls travel in an east to west motion. If a ball comes in contact with them it will refract.
When a ball enters the head of an octopus, it lets out a whistle toot and propels it out of one of his three legs at whim.
Pinball Bumper
The pinball bumper acts like the real thing. When a ball hits one, it will bounce off at a greater speed.
A ball can pass through pipes. It will follow the path of several pieces that are linked together.
A ball may be hit directly through a pyramid by way of one of its four doors.
There are several types and colors of slides. A ball hit onto one will be carried to the other side provided enough force is behind it.
Tunnels come in three colors. Each consists of a circular hole and corresponding exit pipe. A single course hole may contain several tunnel holes.
What would miniature golf be without this staple of the game? The windmill's vanes turn at a steady pace. A player must wait for the doorway to be clear of the creaking vane before the ball will go through.
Water Rock
Water rocks rise and descend in wet areas. A ball can only roll across them when they are above water.

Other elements which may cause obstructions on the course include sand, water and plants. If a ball is hit hard enough it CAN travel over water. Sand will slow the ball. If a ball is hit off a planter it will bounce. It may be hit under the leaves of palm trees but will stop if the trunk of the tree is struck.

Some patches of green are more darkly shaded than others. This indicates a slope on the course. More often than not a dark patch of grass suggests a downward hill. A ball will either be propelled or roll back on these areas, depending on the direction they enter.